Feedback 1

In the first test my team thinks that sometimes I don’t pay attention or that I am a little distracted. They think that a I am a funny person and that I participate to say many ideas. They think that I can be more assertive in the organization of the activities. Also think that I have a good way of thinking how to solve situation o problems.
They told me that I have a good ability in negotiation task and that I a business man. They think that I have a carefree attitude and that I am a open person. Also they think that If I try to make a major effort I will get great results.

Feedback 2

In general the class think that I am a good person and friendly , hard working. And some people say that a am a distract person , funny ,loose je. This activity help me to know how the people that I don´t know has the idea that I am. It is fun and good because maybe I didn’t realize how I am in the classroom.

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